welcome to lunospace!

this site is very interactive. it contains iframes and javascript and is best viewed 1920x1080 on chrome or firefox.

lunospace is hand coded from scratch and a space for me to store my thoughts, feelings, and other things before they are forgotten.

feel free to leave a message in my chatbox (top left) or on my neocities profile.

this site will forever be a wip.

recent/current activity...

watching the wes anderson shorts
reading giovanni's room (james baldwin, 1956)
listening electric warrior (t. rex, 1972)

if you like the site, feel free to link using my button here!

not sure where to go next? check out my sitemap here!

site credits

crafted using visual studio code

cursor - https://www.cursors-4u.com/
windows 98 icons - https://win98icons.alexmeub.com/